
Discussion report 6

I attended the town hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was that whether we should build a big department store in our town or not. there is a shopping street which have 80 stores in our town. The shopping street is active. There were 5 panelists and there were 3 people in disagree side. Chie called Yumeko is 53 years old. She often read technical books. She buys the books at Gatsby's book store. Shino called Gatsby is 28 years old and he is an Indian man. He runs a book store in the shopping street. If the new department store is constructed, many customers will go to shopping there. It is hard for Gatsby to find a new job because he is a foreigner. Yuho called Ayumi is an university student. Atsuko called Syoko is 65 years old. She lives in an area where is far from the shopping street. She has a villa and pays high fixed assent tax. She wants to sell the villa and build the department store there. Ai called Kaori is a housewife and she is 27 years old. She agreed with the topic because she wanted to go shopping easier.
Important points of the discussion were why the department store should be built and the future of people who run stores at the shopping street such as Gatsby. The outcome of the discussion was that they decided to not build the new department store and build second stores of the original stores near the shopping street. They make some events to promote the shopping street.
I didn't know why they came to these conclusion. It is meaningless to build second stores near the shopping street. At least, they should build them near the Shoko's house. I think two buses an hour is enough to go shopping. Shoko was a little selfish. They were off the point. They should have set the situation strictly. It was good that all panelists spoke their opinion equally.


Discussion report 5

I attended the city hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was that whether we should separate trash strictly or not. There were 5 panelists. Kazuyo called Kazutaro works at a waste treatment center. She must separate mixed trash. It is very hard. Kana called Starkey is a professor of environment in Kyoto university. They agreed with the topic. Yuki called Yutaro is a student. She lives alone and she doesn't have enough money, so she doesn't want to buy garbage bags. The garbage bags are too expensive. Hitomi called Kozue is a housewife and she is 35 years old. She has children and they produce a lot of trash. Kisato called Akio is a top of Mdonald. The company produces many rubbish, but there are no space to gather trash and the company must pay more labor cost to separate trash. Therefore, Yutaro, Kozue, and Akio disagreed with the topic.
A important point of the discussion was why they don't separate trash. The outcome of the discussion was that the waste treatment center decided to correct trash of companies every day and to give trash box which shut out bad smell to citizens.
I think it is a matter of course to separate trash. It is a little hard to separate trash, but we must do it to protect environment. Companies should be a good model. I have a part-time job in a fast food restaurant and we set separated trash box. Many customers separate their trash rightly. Some customers don't separate trash, so we have to separate them, but it don't take any effort. I don't think it is difficult to separate trash.
The focus of the discussion was not clear. The topic wasn't proper to discuss because it was a matter of course to separate trash.They wrote important words and the meanings on the blackboard, so I can understand the contents of the discussion easily. It was good that audience exchanged their opinions.


12/8 the poster presentation

I think our presentation is easy to listen. I talked with loud voice. I talked with some notes, so I should have talk while seeing classmates. When I video this presentation, I won't look some notes and I will introduce myself at first. I will put more information on my poster and make easier to see.


Discussion report 4

I attended the city hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was saving electricity. The city center is illuminated every winter and our city is famous for the illumination. There was the eastern Japan major earthquake in this year and there not enough electricity in Tohoku. There was a opinion that we should stop illuminating to save electricity and send Tohoku electricity.
There were 5 panelists. Ayamasa called John is a designer of the illumination. He designs the illumination every year. Yuka called Manami runs a restaurant in the city center. The restaurant has a financial problem. Sakurako called Minami is an university student. She said that the illumination brought real feelings of winter to us. They disagreed with stopping illuminating. Mai called Tomomi is 42 years old and she is from Miyagi. Saori called Sayaka is an university student and she belongs to a volunteer group. She assists people living in Tohoku. They agreed with stopping illuminating.
Important points of the discussion were for what we save electricity and for what we stop illuminating.
The outcome of the discussion was that we illuminate the city center only a week and show people living in Tohoku the situation we save electricity.
I don't think that stopping illuminating makes people living in Tohoku happy. If there is no illumination, people will feel lonely and colder. I think we use too much electricity by using heating machines. If all people stop heating machines for a while, a lot of electricity will be saved. The focus of the discussion was not clear. Panelists were off the topic. I thought the moderator was very important to make the discussion successful. It was good to exchange opinions with citizens.


11/24 presentation 2

I listened to classmates' presentations. Kotomi introduced New York from USA. I knew that there are many museums in New York. I want to go to there. Mai introduced Firenze from Italy. Pizza and pasta look very delicious. I want to see famous pictures for example, "Last Supper". Hitomi introduced Philadelphia from USA. I knew about Liberty Bell.


11/17 presentation

I introduced Moscow in Russia.  I had not prepared for my presentation enough, so I did my presentation tensely. I listened classmates' presentation. I knew about many cities in the world.


Discussion report 3

I attended the city hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was that whether we utilize a hot spring source or not. The hot spring source bubbled up from the center of the city. This is the first case for us to bubble up the hot spring source, so we don't know what to do. Our city have enough money to construct a hot spring spa or to bury the hot spring source.
There were 5panalists. Chie called Chiaki is 30 years old. Her mother is 70 years old and Chiaki thinks the hot spring is good for her mother's health. Narumi called Yoshiko is 55 years old and she is a farmer. She lives alone, so she wants to make her life livelier by the hot spring. They agreed with that the hot spring spa was constructed. Atsuko called Masahiro is 43 years old. She worries about a soil pollution. Ai called Tatsuo is 70 years old. He lives at the hot spring point. It is hard for him to move to other place. Yuho called Yu lives at the hot spring point, too. They disagreed with that the hot spring spa was constructed.
A important point of the discussion was whether our city need the hot spring or not. Our city don't have any financial problems. If there are not the hot spring in our city, any problems won't happen.
The outcome of the discussion was that we decided to construct a power plant which use the hot spring's heat to generate electricity after Tatsuo died.
I think that if there are the hot spring in our city, I will often go to there because I like hot springs. However, there are many people at the hot spring point. I can't make them move to other places, so this is difficult. The words the panelists used were difficult, so it was hard to understand contents of the discussion. When they introduced themselves, they used a picture of our city. I thought it was good idea.


11/10 Friends

We talked about our friend with classmates. Mio has a very neat friend. Her name is Ayako. Her room is very tidy. Ayako has a friend who is always late. Her name is Ai. She is always late for class. Kenta has a friend who likes sports. He like soft tennis.

My new friend

He is my new friend and he is 62 years old. He is a farmer and he grows many vegetables, for example tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, and carrots. I often go to his field to help him to water the crops. The vegetables he grew are very delicious. He likes fishing, so he often goes fishing to the river. I want to go fishing with him. He is very kind to me, so I like him.


Discussion report 2

I attended the village office meeting. The topic of the discussion was that whether we should construct a theme park in our village to solve the financial problems.
There were 5panelists. Hitomi called Jiro is 55years old. He is a farmer and he grows many fruits and vegetables. He has run  his farm for 30 years. Kazuyo called Kazuo is also a farmer. He grows cows, pigs, horses, and sheep. If the theme park is constructed, farmers will lose their farms and jobs, so they disagree with the topic. Yuki called Masae is a student. There are not amusement area in the village, so she have to go out the other city. Her mother worries about that Masae has a traffic accident. If the theme park is constructed, they will be happy, but her grandfather is a farmer, so she is neutral. Kana called Eichi Otaguro and Kisato called Haruhiko agreed with the topic. Eichi said that the financial problems were very serious, so we must solve the problems as soon as possible. He said that it was the best way to solve the financial problems to construct the theme park. Haruhiko is the chief of the village. He has two children. One of them is doing job-hunting, but it is hard to find a job. If the theme park is constructed, he can find a job.
Important points of the discussion were whether it is the best way to solve financial problems to construct the theme park and how farmers make their living. The outcome of the discussion was that they decided to construct a park in our village. There will be some roller coasters, kitchen gardens, and farms. The customers can enjoy riding roller coasters, eating flesh food, and beautiful landscape.
I think that it takes a lot of time to solve financial problems. I don't think that farmers need to change their jobs because they can make their living by farming. We should protect agriculture. I don't think that it is good to depend on imported food. They are cheaper than domestically produced food, but I worry about the food safety.
There were some contradictions in the discussion. The village have serious financial problems, but farmers can make their living and the village have enough money to construct the theme park. The panelists should have set their situation deeply. The moderator carried on the discussion smoothly. I had a lot of time to think about the topic. The affirmative side said their opinion with a specific example, so what they said were persuasive.


10/27 About you

I listened that Ikumi had travelled overseas. She said that she went to Korea and Australia. I have been to Korea, but I have never been to Australia. I want to go to Australia. Kenta said that he didn't like natto, because the smell was very bad. I like natto, but I don't like the smell of natto. Yuki said that he had two older brothers. I want to see them.

My presentation


Discussion report

I attended the city hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was about the illegal parking. There were many bicycles parked illegally in front of a store that Momoko works at. One day, a little child was injured by the bicycles. The parents complained to workers of the store, but they couldn't take responsibility. They are troubled with the illegal parking.
There were 5 panelists. Saori called Risa is a high school student. She goes to school by bicycle every day. There are no parking area, so she has no choice but to park illegally. Yuka called Miki is 30 years old. She is a city officer. Sakurako called Momoko is a shop assistant. She is troubled with the illegal parking. Her father is a guard of a parking area. Mai called Yoshiko is 20 years old and she works in the city center. She required Miki to construct a new parking area opened 24 hours. Keiko is 18 years old. She rides a scooter to go to a party held in the city center every week.The party starts at 10 pm, but a parking area closes at 10 pm, so she parks in front of the store.
Important points of the discussion were whether we should construct a new parking area or not and whether we should set parking fee free or not. The outcome of the discussion is that Miki decided to construct a new parking area opened 24 hours in the city center. The parking fee will set 100 yen. If the city can't maintain the parking area, the parking fee will be increased.
I thought that we must not allow the illegal parking. When you park your bicycle and your scooter, you won't need wide space. It is easier to park bicycles and scooters than to park cars, so there are many bicycles parked illegally. We should understand the illegality to eliminate the illegal parking.
The position of panelists and the focus of the discussion were not clear. They should have showed their position and set the focus clearly. The situation was easy to understand. The illegal parking was an issue that is close to me, so I was had thinking. I thought it was good that panelists exchanged their opinions lively and they listened to other people's opinions carefully.


10/20 Restaurants

We talked about restaurants in class. Yuki said that he had been to a restaurant within the past two weeks and he had gone on a date to a restaurant. I was surprised to hear that. I wanted to know who he go with. Sakurako also said that she had gone on a date to a restaurant and she ate stir-fried rice wrapped in an omelet. She looked very happy.
I gave a presentation to classmates. I couldn't speak fluently, but I talked while seeing classmates. When I give a presentation next time, I will tried to talk fluently, and make the presentation easy to understand.


10/13 Advice

I found some classmates who have some problems. Kisato hates studying. I said to her that it was important to study for her, so she should study. Ayako doesn't have enough money. I said to her that she should save money. Yuka is having some problems with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend lives in Fukuoka, so she hardly meet him. I said to her that she should call him more times. Kana often sleeps in class. I said to her that she should go to bed earlier.
I watched my classmates give presentations with iPad. It was easy to understand them. The presentation of Kenta made the biggest impression. His friend's name is Nyahonyaho-tamakuro. It is very unique.


7/14 Favorites

I asked some questions to classmates. Atsuko said that her favorite movie was Pirates of the Caribbean. She liked it because she was a fun of Orlando Bloom. I liked his, too. he was very cool. Saori said that her favorite music group was Syojozidai. They were cute and they have nice figures. I wanted to be a woman like them. Hitomi said that she loved Tokyo03. They were comedians. She had loved them since she went to their live.

7/7 Parts of the body

I found that Hitomi had broken a leg. She said that she was injured in a traffic accident. Atsuko could touch her toes. Her body was so flexible. Ayumi said that she didn't have good posture. I have a slight stoop, so I want to have good posture. Kisato said that she wore gloves to school to give the skin protection from sunburn. I don't want to get a suntan. Mio wore a hat today. I wan't to buy a hat.

6/30 Vacation Plans

I found that Mai had been overseas in the past year. She had been to Australia and Singapore. I had never been to there, so I wanted to go to there. Saori had a foreign country she had always wanted to visit. She said that she wanted to go to Australia and Swiss. I had wanted to visit Australia since I was a junior high school student. Iyo had traveled by ferry. She went to Nagasaki. I went to there by ferry when I was child. It was fun.

6/23 Fashion

I found that Kimika liked tall men. I liked tall men, too because I was tall. Iyo thought glasses were very attractive. I thought people wearing glasses looked smart. Atsuko had worn a kimono recently. She wore a kimono at the coming-of-age ceremony. I had looked her picture and she was very beautiful. Misato liked second-hand clothes. I thought she had a good eye for fashion. I was asked about my boyfriend by everyone, so I got bashful.


I was absent from school because I caught a cold. I went to the hispital and I was sleeping.

6/2 Sutudent life

We talked about our lives. Iyo had a microwave. She used it every day. I thought that was necessary for our lives. Yuka lived in an apartment. She said that it was fun. I had never lived in an apartment. I wanted to live alone and live in an apartment. Makiko didn't like to study at home. She said that she wanted to watch the TV. It was more enjoyable than to study.

5/26 Hobbies and Sports

I found that Atsuko belonged to the Aikido club. She had two meetings a week. She joined the club because she had been interesting in Aikido for long time. Ayumi belonged to the brass band club. She had three meetings a week. She said that she liked playing musical instruments. Iyo had a part time job at the cake shop. She worked three times a week. I wanted to eat cakes. I found that Yuka's hobby was going to concerts. She loved Golden Bomber. I didn't know them, but it was exciting to go to some concerts.

5/19 Friends

I knew that my friends had various friends. Hitomi had a very neat friend. My neat friend always kept her room clean. Kimika had a friend who was always late. I had a friend who was always late, too. She was more than an hour late. Kisato had a friend who liked sports. My friend liked baseball. She often went to see the baseball game. Mai had a friend who had a dog. My friend had a dog, too. It was very cute.

5/12 Animals

We talked about animals. I found that Kisato had a pet. She had a dog and she said that she loved the dog.  Atsuko said that she had gold fish. I had had gold fish, but they got quick death. Mio said that she thought koalas were cute. I thought so, too. Makiko said that she had ridden a horse. I had never ridden a horse. Kimika said that she had been attacked by a hamster. It seemed painful.


BR1-12: The smallest cow in the world

Marvin Gates lived with his father and his mother and his sister May on Brock's Dairy Farm. (p. 4)

I think Marvin is an imaginative boy. It seems very sad to part with my friends. I have never moved, so I have never parted with my friends. I have a best friend. I have been a good friend with her since we were junior high school students. We went to the same high school. She works at the hospital, so she is busy. We meet once or twice a month. We go to shopping and eat dinner. She is kind to and she makes me happy. I want to be a best friend with her in the future.

Paterson, Katherine(1996). The smallest cow in the world. NewYork: Harpercollins.


4/28 what students do

Mio said that she had watched videos with her friends. She said that she watched Harry Potter. I liked Harry Potter. It was very exciting. Kimika said that she had cooked at her home and she had cooked rice omelet. I liked rice omelet, so I wanted to eat it she made. I found that Misato was a fan of SMAP. She said that she had bought their CD. I thought they were cool. Yuka said that she had gone to a karaoke box and she sung songs of AKB48. I got to like AKB48 recently.

4/21 Family

We talked about our family. Saori said that she had a brother at university. My brother was a university student, too. Ayako said that she had a sister in high school. I thought she was a nice sister. Hitomi saied that she lived with her grandparents. I lived with my grandparents, too. They were very kind to me.

4/14 Fruits and vegetables

I found that Atsuko had been strawberry picking. I had been strawberry picking, too. Hitomi said that she liked wine more than sake or beer. I had never drunk wine, so I want to drink wine. Yuka said that she hated carrots.

Mai and I thought a new vegetable. It was "stroccoli". It was crossed a strawberry and a broccoli. It was funny, but bad taste.


Discussion report 4: group 2

I took part in a discussion with 3 other classmates and I would like to report on the discussion. The topic for discussion was my goal.

Saori (no. 13) said that she wanted to be an English teacher at an elementary school because she liked English and children. She said that it was important to enjoy working and find a job you liked. She talked seeing everyone. I wanted her to organize her opinion.

Narumi (no. 39) said that she wanted to be a translator. She said that she was able to listen to people's talking carefully, so she would be a good translator. Her English was easy to understand, but her voice was a little low.

Kana (no. 23) said that she wanted to be a English teacher at a high school like a teacher she respected. When she was a high school student, she was helped the teacher. She said that she liked to teach English and she wanted to help students. Her voice volume was good. I wanted to listen to her opinion more.


7/21 Eating

We talked about eating. I was surprised to hear that Atsuko have ate wild boar's meat. I haven't ate it and I wonder if it is good or not. Yuki said that he had tried a diet. He lost weight by calorie control. I want to lose weight like him. I heard Makiko's favorite restaurant was Joyful. I like Joyful, too. I often go to there. Misato's favorite food is pasta and Hitomi likes curry and rice. I 'm hungry now.


1 is the number of the date my boyfriend and I started go out.
3 is the number of times I went to live concerts.
2 is the number of cellphones I have.
26 is the number of age I want to get married.
10 is the number of Korean singer groups I like.
4 is the number of mascot dolls I put on my car.
31856 is the number of people who live in Ozu.
6 is the number of cars my family have.
19 is the number of age I went to abroad for the first time.
7 is the number of years I have took swimming lessons.


BR1-11: the case of the Hungry Stranger

They all sat in the clubhouse. (p. 6)

I remembered events of when I was a chid. I have not made a secret base. It seems very fun. I have lived in the country, so I have swam in the river in the summer. It was exciting. The water of the river was very cold. When I was a child, everything I did were fun. I have took swimming lessons, so I liked swimming. I have got sunburned. I liked getting on a swing, too. I like summer, so I'm looking forward to the summer vacation. I will hang out as when I was a child.

Bonsall, Crosby(1992). the case of the Hungry Stranger. New York: HarperCollins.



A man and a woman are standing turning right, but their face is looking forward. A man is on the left side and he is in his middle years. He has a gun in his right hand. He raises his hand beside his face. he wears a black suit and he has short grizzled hair. A woman is black. She wears a decollete dress and pierced big earrings. She has black hair, but her hairstyle is not sure because their background color is black, too. Her front hair is very short. She places her hands on her belly. They are like spies.

BR1-10: Danny the Dragon

Danny the dragon lived in some woods, beside a tiny village. (p. 4)

I read a story of a dragon in the past.both of the dragon and Danny were very kind and good dragon. If there were kind dragons, I would touch their skin. It seems rough. I want to fly in the sky with dragon. When Danny became to needless for the villagers, he may have been lonely. I want to be needed by someone. If I was not needed by anyone, I would think I didn't have meanings of living. I think I'm needed by my friends and my boyfriend, so I feel happy.

Punter, Russell(2008). Danny the Dragon. London: Usborne.



"Is this the big day?" he wondered. (p. 2)

Froggy is a cute frog and also Polly is pretty. I think Froggy is a good brother because he has great affection for his sister Polly. I like babies because they are very cute and they can heal my heart. I have never taken care of babies. If I got married to someone and I gave birth to a baby, I would take care of him. It will be hard to take care of a child, but I look forward to it. My baby will be very cute. I want to bring up my child to have a conscience.

London, Jonathan(2003). FROGGY'S BABY SISTER. New York: Penguin Group.


Discussion report 3: group 4

I took part in a discussion with 5 other classmates and I would like to report on the discussion. The topic for discussion was what success is.

Chihiro (no. 33) said that she didn't have any ideas of success. She said her goal was taking her parents to Tokyo Disney Land by next summer vacation. She lives alone, so she knows the hardness of bringing up her. Her voice was easy to listen. I wanted her to ask whether we have questions or not.

Yuho (no. 31) said that success has three factors. She said that they were to achieve a goal, to be satisfied with the progress of your effort, and to continue to another goal. She repeated her opinion and she talked slowly, so I can understand her opinion easily. I wanted her to talk louder voice.

Yuka (no. 15) said that her goal is to be a cabin attendant. She said that she would go to the U. K. this summer, so she would get the ability of communication. She talked without any notes. I wanted listen in detail.

Kisato (no.1) said that we should set a big success and many small goals before the success. She said that her dream was to live with many dogs in the mountain. She said that she wanted to help stray dogs. Her voice was loud and easy to listen. I wanted her to see us.

Kana (no. 23) said that it was important to be clear what success was. She said that success was finishing what you want to do and success was the fruit of hard work. Her English was easy to understand but she talked a little fast.



Have you ever tried to listen to a long, boring schoolbook on a warm, lazy day? (p. 2)

I have known this story since I was a child. It is an amazing story. The pictures of this book was cute, so I read the book. I want to go to the Wonderland and I want to tea with Mad Hatter. It seems fun and I'll drink a lot of tea. I like iced tea and green tea. I want to eat a cheesecake and a fruitcake with tea. I was scared of the Cheshire Cat when I was a child because it was very weird. I'm still a little scared of it. I like dogs better than cats.

Scieszka, Jon(2008). ALICE in WONDERLAND. New York: Disney Press.


BR1-07: Polar Bears

Polar bears live near the North Pole. (p. 2)

I found the ecology of polar bears. It seems hard to live in the North Pole. They look cute and calm, but they are very dangerous. I have seen them at the zoo. They were very big. I thought it was too hot for them to live in Kumamoto. I have not been to the North Pole. It seems very cold there, but I want to go there someday. I will see polar bears and seals. I didn't know that there were not penguins in the North Pole. I think it is important to protect the environment.

Mason, Conrad(2009). Polar Bears. London: Usborne.


BR1-06: Princess Polly and the Pony

Princess Polly was in trouble. (p. 2)

It seems to me that being a princess is boring because princesses can't do anything they like. But I want to be a princess only one day. I will wear a beautiful dress and a crown of gpld and I will eat a delicious dinner. I have never rode on the pony or horse, so I want to ride on. It seems exciting. I had horses in my pasture about twelve years ago. I was terrified of them. If I had horses, I would feed them and take care of them.

Davidson, Susanna(2007). Princess Polly and the pony. London: Usborne.


My room

You enter at the door and see the bookcase the left side. There is a table at the middle of my room. At the next to the table, there is a shelf and opposite side of the shelf, there is a TV. At the next to the TV, there is a bed. There is a closet at the right side of the bed. There is a window on the wall. There are clothes scattered in front of the closet.



The pancake rolled out of the gate and into the road, faster and faster. (p. 9)

I like pancakes and I like to eat pancakes more than to make them. If the pancake I made ran away, I would be very surprised. It would be very interesting. I can't eat pancakes now because of the stomatitis. It is painful when I eat something delicious. I want to eat many pancakes. I hope it gets better soon. I wonder if animals like pancakes. I think my dog named Sakura likes pancakes, because she eats almost every food. When the pancake was eaten by the pig, I pitied the pancake. The pig was very clever.

Mackinnon, Mairi(2006). The RUNAWAY PANCAKE. London: Usborne.


Discussion report 2: group 3

I took part in a discussion with 5 other classmates and I would like to report on the discussion. The topic for discussion was whether men and women can be best friends or not.

Kazuyo(no. 35) said that men and women can be close friends. She said they have many different points, so they need each other. I tought it is good to have different points each other. I wanted her to talk looking at us.

Chie(no.37) said that it is difficult to decide the border between friends and lovers.She said both her friends and lover are precious to her. I thought both friends and lover were important for me, so I will set a high value on them. She could improve her presentation if she talked a little slower.

Mai(no. 3) said that it is natural that men and women have different ideas and it is good. She talked about it while looking us and it was good. She should have made her presentation in advance.

Atsuko(no. 5) said that men and women can be best friends because her mother have had a best friend who is a man since she was a high school student. I thought her mother had a nice friend. Her voice was a little low.

Hitomi(no. 9) said that being lover is not neccesary. I agree with her. I wanted to listen her opinion more.

I think men and women can be best friends, but it is very difficult. If a man and a woman became to be very close to each other, he or she would fall in love with her or him. I think men and women should keep enough distance from each other to be good friends.


BR1-05: Why the Sea is Salty

Long ago, the sea wasn't salty like it is today. (p. 3)

This is a tale from Korea. I read this book because I like Korea. I found the reason why the sea is salty. I want to go to the sea in the summer. I'll swim and play with sand. When I swim at the sea, my body float on the sea, so it is easy to swim. But I don't like to swim at the sea because it is painful if I have the water of the sea in my eye. It is fun to play beach volleyball and fireworks. I look forward to the summer.

Dickins, Rosie. (2009). Why the Sea is Salty. London: Usborne.


BR1-04: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

 There was once a little brown country mouse. (p. 2)

I don't like mice, but the mice are very cute. I had known this story, so I read this book. I think both living country and living a town have good points. I live in country and it is inconvenience. There are not stores or the station near my house, so I have to go to there by a car. On the other hand, there are blessed with nature. I can see many fireflies in front of my house at this time of the year. It is very beautiful. I want to live a city just once, but I like country.

Davidson, Susanna. (2007). The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse. London: Usborne.

Best friends

First, I introduce Sena who is my best friend. She has long brown hair. She is as tall as me, but slimmer than me. Her legs are like Shojozidai. I want to be like her. She often drinks cocoa and she likes chocolate. She is kind to me and very funny. She is a good listener. When I was a junior high school student, her desk was front of mine, so we became friends. We often eat dinner together and go shopping. We talked about various things until next morning last week. It was very fun. I can talk to her about everything. I will be best friend with her ever since.

Next, I introduce Yuka's best friend who is a Miyazaki university student. She is tall and cute. She has short hair. She always smile. She is very kind and she is a talkative person. She and Yuka met when they were elementary school students. They lived in the neighborhood.They went to Tokyo Disney Land last February. Yuka said it was very exciting and fun.


Discussion report: group 2

I took part in a discussion with 4 other classmates and I would like to report on the discussion. The topic for the discussion was getting the cosmetic surgery.

Keiko(no.19) disagreed with getting the cosmetic surgery because it has a lot of risks. I was terrified when she talked about the failure of the cosmetic surgery. Her English was a little difficult for me.

Ai(no.45) said makeup and clothes were easy to change, so people didn't have to get the cosmetic surgery. I was impressed with her opinion. I wanted her to talk with louder voice.

Haruna(no.47) said if people want to get the cosmetic surgery, they should think it over. It was easy to understand her opinion. I wanted to listen more her opinion.

Chie(no.37) disagreed with getting cosmetic surgery because it was very danger and it cost a lot of money. She had a lot of data, but it was a little complex.

The cosmetic surgery has a lot of risks. I don't think it is bad to get the cosmetic surgery, but we should think it over before the surgery. I will make efforts to be attractive without the surgery.


They are very cool!

My treasure

My treasure is my digital camera which my mother bought for me before I visited Korea. It is pink because I like pink best. I have taken many pictures since I got my digital camera. I have precious memories in it, so my treasure is my digital camera.

I took my digital camera with me when I visited Korea last summer. I stayed at a host family's house for a week. This was my first trip to Korea, so it was very exciting. I made friends with Korean people who were the same age as me. They took me to many places. I enjoyed going sightseeing and shopping. I bought cosmetics and face masks. The most enjoyable place was Lotte World. It was very fun to ride on the roller coasters. I also ate various Korean food. It was very spicy, but very delicious. My favorite Korean food was Korean nori. I bought it to take home to my family. I was sad and I didn't want to go home when I had to leave Korea. I want to go to Korea again.

I took pictures when I went to dinner meetings with my colleagues of my part-time job. I often eat dinner with them after work. I have had a part-time job in a fast food restaurant for a year. I like my colleagues and seniors. They are kind to me. I often ask their advice on my troubles. I work happily thanks to them. I will keep working till I graduate from the university.

In addition to this, I took pictures with my friends who go to this university. My digital camera, which holds a lot of memories is my most important thing. From now on I will take many pictures.



The small pig lives in a pigpen on a farm. (p5)

I read this book because the picture were very cute. I think that I looks like a pig, so I have to lose weight. The pig likes to sit down and sink down in mud. It is good to do something you like.I like to talk with my friends because I hate to be alone. I always want to be with my friends or boyfriend. People will notice the importance of their friends or parents when people lose them. I will consider important my parents and friends.

Lobel, Arnold. (1969). SMALL PIG. NY:Harper Collins.


My favorite animal

My favorite animal is dogs, because I'm healed my heart by them, but I didn't like dogs in the past. I have been chased by a dog, when I was a child. I was very scared and I ran away frantically. I had been terrified of dogs since then. When I was a elementary school student, I got like dogs because my aunt had a dog. The dog was a shih tzu named Ru. I was terrified of her when I saw her for the first time, but Ru was quiet and very cute. I took care of her and I got like her. I had two dogs till two years ago. They were miniature dachshunds named Koko and Sakura. They were cute and I liked them, but Sakura died suddenly about two years ago. She was 6 years old. I didn't know the reason why she died. It was very sad and I cried. Sakura is living and I pet her. I want her to live a long time.


BR1-02: The Reluctant Dragon

The dragon was friendly - and he was thrilled to see the boy. (p10)

This book is about a dragon who is kind and reluctant. If there were dragons, I would be terrigied. But if the dragons were friendly, I would become friends. I would like to get on the dragon and fly in the sky. The villagers assumeed that the dragon is dangerous and tried to fight with him. I think it's not right to assume that dragons are dangerous. The boy is clever. I'm glad that all of villagers, the knight, and the dragon become happy. I will live calmly like the dragon.

Grahame, K. (2009). The Reluctant Dragon. London: Usborne.


Dear host family

             Hi! How are you? My name is Natsumi O. I'm nineteen years old. I will stay with you for 6 weeks this summer. I study English in the Prefecture University of Kumamoto. I live with my mother, father, old brother, and little sister. I have a dog called Sakura. She is very cute. My sister takes care of Sakura. All my family like dogs. It is a lively family. I love them. How many are there in your family? Do you have any pets?
              I like listening to music. I often listen to Korean music. It makes me happy. My favorite Korean singing group is BIGBANG. They are very cool and their songs are wonderful. Do you know them? I'll bring their CD to you. I also like going shopping. I go to buy clothes, shoes, and accessories after payday. It is very fun, so I can relieve stress. I'm looking forward to going shopping in Canada. I have a part-time job in a fast-food restaurant. The job is hard, but I enjoy working. It is enjoyable to talk with customers. Their smile makes me happy. Do you ever go to a fast-food restaurant?
              It is very hot in summer in Kumamoto. Is it hot in Canada? I'll visit Canada for the first time. What food are popular in Canada? I like eating very much. I want to eat a lot of delicious foods. Do you like Japanese food? What's your favorite Japanese food? I'll make some Japanese food for you if you like. I'd like to know how to make Canadian food. Could you teach me? I'm interested in the culture of Canada, so I want to visit many place in Canada. Could you take me for any famous places? I'm looking forward to hearing from you.

Natsumi O


Relatives of my friends

    First, I introduce Saori's brother. His name is Keiichiro. Saori calls him Keichan. He is 23 years old. He is not cool, but tall. He is kind to Saori and funny. He plays soccer. He is cheerful. I want to have a brother like him.
    Next, I introduce Mai's cousin. His name is Kyohei. He is 24 years old. He has fair skin and he is lean. He is not talkative. I want to talk with him.

BR1-01: Clever Rabbit and the Lion

Once upon a time, in a great big jungle lived a great big lion. (p.2)

I like animals, so I read this book. The rabbit is very clever. I don't like this lion because he looks down on the other animals. I remembered about Kai after I read the book. I had a rabbit when I was a elementary school student. His name was Kai. He was very cute, but I didn't know whether he was clever or not. I have a dog now. I think she is a little clever.

Davidson, S. (2007). Clever Rabbit and the Lion. London: Usborne.