
Discussion report 6

I attended the town hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was that whether we should build a big department store in our town or not. there is a shopping street which have 80 stores in our town. The shopping street is active. There were 5 panelists and there were 3 people in disagree side. Chie called Yumeko is 53 years old. She often read technical books. She buys the books at Gatsby's book store. Shino called Gatsby is 28 years old and he is an Indian man. He runs a book store in the shopping street. If the new department store is constructed, many customers will go to shopping there. It is hard for Gatsby to find a new job because he is a foreigner. Yuho called Ayumi is an university student. Atsuko called Syoko is 65 years old. She lives in an area where is far from the shopping street. She has a villa and pays high fixed assent tax. She wants to sell the villa and build the department store there. Ai called Kaori is a housewife and she is 27 years old. She agreed with the topic because she wanted to go shopping easier.
Important points of the discussion were why the department store should be built and the future of people who run stores at the shopping street such as Gatsby. The outcome of the discussion was that they decided to not build the new department store and build second stores of the original stores near the shopping street. They make some events to promote the shopping street.
I didn't know why they came to these conclusion. It is meaningless to build second stores near the shopping street. At least, they should build them near the Shoko's house. I think two buses an hour is enough to go shopping. Shoko was a little selfish. They were off the point. They should have set the situation strictly. It was good that all panelists spoke their opinion equally.


Discussion report 5

I attended the city hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was that whether we should separate trash strictly or not. There were 5 panelists. Kazuyo called Kazutaro works at a waste treatment center. She must separate mixed trash. It is very hard. Kana called Starkey is a professor of environment in Kyoto university. They agreed with the topic. Yuki called Yutaro is a student. She lives alone and she doesn't have enough money, so she doesn't want to buy garbage bags. The garbage bags are too expensive. Hitomi called Kozue is a housewife and she is 35 years old. She has children and they produce a lot of trash. Kisato called Akio is a top of Mdonald. The company produces many rubbish, but there are no space to gather trash and the company must pay more labor cost to separate trash. Therefore, Yutaro, Kozue, and Akio disagreed with the topic.
A important point of the discussion was why they don't separate trash. The outcome of the discussion was that the waste treatment center decided to correct trash of companies every day and to give trash box which shut out bad smell to citizens.
I think it is a matter of course to separate trash. It is a little hard to separate trash, but we must do it to protect environment. Companies should be a good model. I have a part-time job in a fast food restaurant and we set separated trash box. Many customers separate their trash rightly. Some customers don't separate trash, so we have to separate them, but it don't take any effort. I don't think it is difficult to separate trash.
The focus of the discussion was not clear. The topic wasn't proper to discuss because it was a matter of course to separate trash.They wrote important words and the meanings on the blackboard, so I can understand the contents of the discussion easily. It was good that audience exchanged their opinions.


12/8 the poster presentation

I think our presentation is easy to listen. I talked with loud voice. I talked with some notes, so I should have talk while seeing classmates. When I video this presentation, I won't look some notes and I will introduce myself at first. I will put more information on my poster and make easier to see.