
10/27 About you

I listened that Ikumi had travelled overseas. She said that she went to Korea and Australia. I have been to Korea, but I have never been to Australia. I want to go to Australia. Kenta said that he didn't like natto, because the smell was very bad. I like natto, but I don't like the smell of natto. Yuki said that he had two older brothers. I want to see them.

My presentation


Discussion report

I attended the city hall meeting. The topic of the discussion was about the illegal parking. There were many bicycles parked illegally in front of a store that Momoko works at. One day, a little child was injured by the bicycles. The parents complained to workers of the store, but they couldn't take responsibility. They are troubled with the illegal parking.
There were 5 panelists. Saori called Risa is a high school student. She goes to school by bicycle every day. There are no parking area, so she has no choice but to park illegally. Yuka called Miki is 30 years old. She is a city officer. Sakurako called Momoko is a shop assistant. She is troubled with the illegal parking. Her father is a guard of a parking area. Mai called Yoshiko is 20 years old and she works in the city center. She required Miki to construct a new parking area opened 24 hours. Keiko is 18 years old. She rides a scooter to go to a party held in the city center every week.The party starts at 10 pm, but a parking area closes at 10 pm, so she parks in front of the store.
Important points of the discussion were whether we should construct a new parking area or not and whether we should set parking fee free or not. The outcome of the discussion is that Miki decided to construct a new parking area opened 24 hours in the city center. The parking fee will set 100 yen. If the city can't maintain the parking area, the parking fee will be increased.
I thought that we must not allow the illegal parking. When you park your bicycle and your scooter, you won't need wide space. It is easier to park bicycles and scooters than to park cars, so there are many bicycles parked illegally. We should understand the illegality to eliminate the illegal parking.
The position of panelists and the focus of the discussion were not clear. They should have showed their position and set the focus clearly. The situation was easy to understand. The illegal parking was an issue that is close to me, so I was had thinking. I thought it was good that panelists exchanged their opinions lively and they listened to other people's opinions carefully.


10/20 Restaurants

We talked about restaurants in class. Yuki said that he had been to a restaurant within the past two weeks and he had gone on a date to a restaurant. I was surprised to hear that. I wanted to know who he go with. Sakurako also said that she had gone on a date to a restaurant and she ate stir-fried rice wrapped in an omelet. She looked very happy.
I gave a presentation to classmates. I couldn't speak fluently, but I talked while seeing classmates. When I give a presentation next time, I will tried to talk fluently, and make the presentation easy to understand.


10/13 Advice

I found some classmates who have some problems. Kisato hates studying. I said to her that it was important to study for her, so she should study. Ayako doesn't have enough money. I said to her that she should save money. Yuka is having some problems with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend lives in Fukuoka, so she hardly meet him. I said to her that she should call him more times. Kana often sleeps in class. I said to her that she should go to bed earlier.
I watched my classmates give presentations with iPad. It was easy to understand them. The presentation of Kenta made the biggest impression. His friend's name is Nyahonyaho-tamakuro. It is very unique.